Thursday, October 1, 2009

All I gotta say is holy shit

This left me speechless. So just watch it. And think for a while. Doesn't matter who you are, this should strike a chord somewhere.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


This is incredible. I am not sure who arranged it, but they did a brilliant job. It makes me kinda want to scream at "the man" and make them see that war has become completely pointless and wasteful and no one even knows what anyone is fighting for anymore. But I guess that's the point. Call me captain obvious.
Can't we all just get along? They did a pretty good job in this song.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

i like talking about lemonade

Yes, another movie trailer.
I'm really into documentaries lately. I think I'll be watching a lot of them this year. Here's one I'm excited about. Thank you Kris for forwarding this trailer to me.

It's funny, I've been thinking about this a lot lately: what do I want to do if not advertising?
I am never certain what it is that I want out of life. There are about a billion things I want to be. And I feel like I am in the situation these people are in before I even get into the industry. Should I nip it in the bud? Should I just start doing whatever the hell I want now? Or does it take some living and some trudging through the mud before one can appreciate the freedom of uncertainty?

Let me know what you think. Hell, if you actually read this, post something so I know I'm not talking to a blank space.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

It SHOULD Get Loud

I saw "It Might Get Loud" last night. Interesting choice of subjects (guitarists) on their part. I was a little unsure of how good it would be because I am not a big fan of Jack White's music, and I was kinda lukewarm on The Edge. Everyone loves Jimmy Page, but that man is cracked out.

Turns out it was quite interesting. I'm glad I saw it because I learned a lot. I respect Jack White a hell of a lot more now. Seeing his influences and what he strives to do was a really great insight to his work. I feel like anyone who pursues a creative profession should see this documentary.

I just really love how these guys did whatever it took to get where they wanted to go. They weren't always happy about it, they weren't always on top, they weren't always making money and famous. But they continued to do what was in their gut and that was to make music.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

how do you make lemonade?

Ever have one of those days that makes you want to just curl into a ball, forget the world, and cry for a bit?
Well, don't.
Those are lemon days.
I have never known how make lemonade out of those kinds of days.
Today, I danced. I danced as though the neighbors couldn't see me through my open window. I danced as though my cat wasn't judging me with her judging eyes. I have no idea what it looked like. And I don't care. I dance to feel good, and that is how I know I am a dancer at heart. Regardless of how good or bad it looks.

Then I looked at pretty things, and was reminded that I am also a creative. And I love that too.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Talk about creativity for the greater good!

I urge you to read this article. At first I was drawn in simply by the prospect of creating entire homes out of trash. What a wonderful and economical idea! Then I read the story and was just awe-inspired by Dan Phillip's life. This is a man who doesn't let ANYONE tell him how to live his life. He has held the most random smattering of professions that tells the tale of a person who blows with the wind and does what he wants to do. Refreshing.
What's more, I hope what he does catches on. It has caused the town in which he builds his houses to rethink the way they dispose of materials, and causing them to recycle heaps of things they normally would not. I hope that the rest of the country begins to adopt this philosophy. And who knows, if whatever I am doing right now doesn't work out, maybe I'll get into the carpentry business.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Nothing can stop me!

This is incredible to me. It's some sort of cosmic metaphor. If we are determined enough, nothing can scare us. I really like that idea. Mull that over a little.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Never stop creating!

How incredible! It seems like such a simple idea (and difficult execution) but this is truly unique to me. This is a painting on glass panes but I feel like this head is suspended in water, like it should be in a jar on a mad scientist's desk. It makes me think about all the different techniques waiting to be discovered out there. I guess that is sort of my job, to try new things that have never been done before. I don't think I embrace that enough. Time to be more adventurous!

On another note, last night an unfortunate circumstance had me running all over my neighborhood (literally) trying to track someone down. I never found him, but something cool happened. I met a bunch of my neighbors, and they are great. The gentleman who owned the house everyone was sitting in front of is named Dave. After I had talked to almost everyone else, I started talking to Dave. See, everyone seemed to be fascinated by my "creativity". Not sure why, because everyone has it. But then, Dave started talking about himself a little. Dave went to art school for photography. I'm pretty sure Dave is retired now, so I was asking him questions about his career throughout his life and so forth. Turns out he never pursued photography after college. "It didn't pay the bills." And when I asked him if he still takes pictures and enjoys creating, he kept saying, "it just doesn't pay the bills."
This made me pretty sad. Every time he said that, I followed up with "don't ever stop creating!" It's amazing how much we sacrifice to the "conventions of life", the things we feel we have to do in order to be responsible. Who in the hell made these rules anyway? Dave assured me he is happy with his lovely home and his lovely wife, Judy (who is a trip!). So I guess as long as he has found happiness somewhere, life is still good. It's just a shame he felt he had to give up his love and his talent because he needed to make money. What happened to having both?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sand dancing

The main reason I find this so fascinating is the reason this artist creates. He doesn't do it for money, fame, or recognition. "Donnelly does it as a sacred celebration through which he can feel complete." (this was quoted from the website I found this video on). What would happen if that was the only reason we ever created? More realistically, what would happen if we just incorporated this philosophy a little more into our eeryday lives?
Something to think about. I certainly am.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I love finding cool new stuff

I'd also love to find the money to buy cool new stuff.
I ran across this this morning and I just love them!

It's made of really strong rubber, so you can place the pegs however you want and have a unique shelf that works in whatever space you need.

Simple but brilliant!
There are a ton of simple but brilliant designs here. I suggest you check it out.

Friday, August 21, 2009

never forget... life is supposed to be fun!

I recently discovered that I am too serious. I have probably discovered this about myself several times within the last few years, but it never fails to surprise me.
See, the work I do will never excite anyone else if it doesn't excite me. So what is holding me back? I will probably be figuring that out forever, but I know part of it is that I am always trying to be right. I want everything I do to be just perfect and make everyone go, "OH! That's so smart, isn't that amazing?!" But the truth is, I will never figure it out if I don't enjoy what I am doing, and I won't enjoy what I am doing if I don't find the fun in it.

So I found this community that connects online to real life, and it is simply for fun and finding the joy in life. It's called dropspots. It's fun because you never know what you will get and hunting for something unexpected makes you feel like a kid again.

Maybe that is something to think about: we have the most fun when we act like chlidren. What do they know that we don't? Maybe it's what they don't know. Either way, my goal from here on out is to strive to be more childlike, in the playful sense, not the temper tantrum sense.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Two Weeks - Grizzly Bear from Gabe Askew on Vimeo.

I randomly found this music video today and really liked it. So simple yet so complicated. I couldn't tear my eyes away. The movement literally carries you through a story that is playful because it's animated, but the viewer knows it's deeper, and more disturbing than that. It an interesting dynamic. Post your comments...

Thursday, August 13, 2009


So, my ADD mind sortof forgot that I had started a blog. Thus the absence.
I have been spending this whole week with a group of 25 creative directors and the brilliant minds that have something to say to them. It' s been incredible.
I am still busy working with this event, so I will have more updates and awesomeness from this experience to share with you later.
Thanks for tuning in.... both of you.

in the meantime

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Breathe and exhale

I stumbled across this little movie and all of the sudden I feel better about everything. It's all the stuff we hear, and all the stuff that I think about. But for some reason, seeing it all again in this video made me realize that it's about time I stopped being so full of it and started actually taking some action in my own life but enjoy it at the same time.

I really think this is the beginning to a great year. I am so excited to take it one step at a time and really leap into every challenge that comes my way.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Talent for goosebumps

One of the perks of summer is getting to watch TV. I started watching America's got Talent... a lot of the time it doesn't. But these guys from Richmond blew my mind. My sister actually cried and I got what Cat Deeley from So You Think You Can Dance (my favorite summer show) calls "steeley chills". I really hope they go a long way. They certainly have my vote. Yay for talent from RICHMOND!

post your thoughts!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Nice job Nike

The video isn't that great, but I think this project is kinda cool. I love the idea that everything they produced became unique and individual. These posters became art and not just some mass-produced form of media.

Something pretty

So I think this is pretty cool, and I would love to get my hands on a few of these and go do some really pretty damage.

I have seen a lot of things done with tires before, but this is a new one for me. Looks like BMW could have used this in their attempt at art.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

getting out of my head

Someone really smart recently told me I need to write more. He was right. This is my attempt to get it all down. Everything I like. Everything I don't. The things I have to say. And whatever just comes out.
Thank you internet for creating random spaces we can blabber on in and rest assured that random strangers will find comfort in our strange or boring lives.

Stay tuned for brilliance. I'm too tired for it tonight.